Friday, February 28, 2014

whiteout's First DXM Experience (5/12/2004) [AIM Transcript]

This is the AIM transcript (with my brother, music producer, Sinister) of the first time I tried DXM (300mg) in Delafield, WI.

@whiteoutgotu (5:52:04 PM): hey,what was the shit
about enzyme deficiency
@whiteoutgotu (9:45:05 PM): ok well its official
@SinisterBeats (9:45:10 PM): i've been lifted this entire
@whiteoutgotu (9:45:12 PM): down the hatch
@SinisterBeats (9:45:15 PM): nice nice
@SinisterBeats (9:45:18 PM): was it hard?
@whiteoutgotu (9:45:37 PM): nah,there pretty small
@whiteoutgotu (9:45:46 PM): but the last couple are still
kinda sittin there
@SinisterBeats (9:46:06 PM): haven't finished the dose?
@whiteoutgotu (9:46:17 PM): yea i have
@whiteoutgotu (9:46:18 PM): but
@whiteoutgotu (9:46:27 PM): i dunno lol
@whiteoutgotu (9:46:29 PM): there down
@SinisterBeats (9:46:47 PM): aright well then find
something to do for an hour
@SinisterBeats (9:46:58 PM): you should starting noticing it
maybe in a half hour but i'll be really subtle
@whiteoutgotu (9:47:04 PM): ok
@SinisterBeats (9:47:11 PM): then once the hour mark is
passed its just gonna go up and up
@whiteoutgotu (9:47:19 PM): hahahahaa
@whiteoutgotu (9:47:21 PM): i'll let u know
@SinisterBeats (9:47:24 PM): aright
@whiteoutgotu (9:48:45 PM): i shoulda asked u this be4
i took them
@SinisterBeats (9:48:53 PM): what?
@whiteoutgotu (9:48:58 PM): but please assure me that
the robitussin cough gels are 15mg each
@SinisterBeats (9:49:29 PM): aright i'll check for you
@whiteoutgotu (9:49:39 PM): thank you
@SinisterBeats (9:49:43 PM): yep
@SinisterBeats (9:49:47 PM): 15mg
@whiteoutgotu (9:50:10 PM): thanks
@whiteoutgotu (10:36:27 PM): im startin 2 feel good
@whiteoutgotu (10:52:08 PM): homes,im feelin real
@SinisterBeats (10:58:55 PM): ya?
@SinisterBeats (10:59:15 PM): u there?
@whiteoutgotu (10:59:35 PM): im back
@whiteoutgotu (10:59:43 PM): yea man im feelin nice as
@SinisterBeats (10:59:46 PM): ya?
@SinisterBeats (10:59:51 PM): that's awesome
@whiteoutgotu (10:59:55 PM): helll yes
@whiteoutgotu (11:00:03 PM): i was a bit worried at
@whiteoutgotu (11:00:08 PM): but im feelin good as hell
@SinisterBeats (11:00:24 PM): ya that's usually what
@whiteoutgotu (11:00:35 PM): yea,first timers
@SinisterBeats (11:00:38 PM): so what does it feel like?
@whiteoutgotu (11:01:15 PM): i cant really explain it
man,but im more high than trippin
@SinisterBeats (11:01:20 PM): ya
@SinisterBeats (11:01:39 PM): well man enjoy
@whiteoutgotu (11:01:46 PM): thank you sir
@SinisterBeats (11:01:55 PM): welcome to the club
@SinisterBeats (11:01:57 PM): brb
@whiteoutgotu (11:01:58 PM): hahaha
@whiteoutgotu (11:01:59 PM): k
@whiteoutgotu (11:08:11 PM): feelin tingly than a
@SinisterBeats (11:08:29 PM): ya it probably hasn't peaked
@whiteoutgotu (11:08:53 PM): k
@whiteoutgotu (11:16:08 PM): i was thinkin bout callin
up one of my boys,but im havin trouble typin,not to
mention talking,lol
@SinisterBeats (11:16:14 PM): haha
@SinisterBeats (11:16:16 PM): it'll do that
@whiteoutgotu (11:17:04 PM): lol i love it
@SinisterBeats (11:18:16 PM): its fuckin nice
@whiteoutgotu (11:19:12 PM): yea im feelin good man
@whiteoutgotu (11:23:02 PM): nooooooooo!
@whiteoutgotu (11:23:06 PM): the music stoppped!!!!
@SinisterBeats (11:23:11 PM): haha
@SinisterBeats (11:23:18 PM): put in another cd dog
@whiteoutgotu (11:23:26 PM): infuckindeed
@whiteoutgotu (11:24:05 PM): gggggggggG-UNIT
@SinisterBeats (11:24:23 PM): haha
@whiteoutgotu (11:25:37 PM): man seriously,i kinda feel
like im rollin
@SinisterBeats (11:25:44 PM): that's sick
@SinisterBeats (11:25:54 PM): are you dissociated much?
@whiteoutgotu (11:26:11 PM): describe disaccociation
@SinisterBeats (11:26:32 PM): like do you feel like your
mind and body are disconnected at all, like you're
watching someone else
@SinisterBeats (11:26:48 PM): it can also be as simple as
your head feeling kinda like a balloon
@whiteoutgotu (11:26:48 PM): nah im still me man
@whiteoutgotu (11:27:13 PM): my head does feel funny
@whiteoutgotu (11:29:28 PM): lol imma try n record
@whiteoutgotu (11:32:45 PM): well maybe in a bit,im
kinda lost in the music right now
@SinisterBeats (11:33:02 PM): sick
@SinisterBeats (11:33:10 PM): that's what dxm is great for
@whiteoutgotu (11:34:23 PM): just turned the lights out
@SinisterBeats (11:34:29 PM): you just did?
@whiteoutgotu (11:34:32 PM): yea
@SinisterBeats (11:34:37 PM): shit son that's why you ain't
been trippin
@whiteoutgotu (11:34:43 PM): lol u fucker
@whiteoutgotu (11:34:44 PM): haha
@SinisterBeats (11:34:52 PM): haha
@SinisterBeats (11:35:03 PM): enjoy
@whiteoutgotu (11:35:10 PM): infuckindeedy
@whiteoutgotu (11:38:09 PM): lol
@whiteoutgotu (11:38:16 PM): i swear i just clapped
and the music got loude4r
@whiteoutgotu (11:38:17 PM): louder
@SinisterBeats (11:38:23 PM): haha
@whiteoutgotu (11:38:54 PM): does dxm make u wanna
touch urself(lol no not jerk off,but just touch ur skin)
@SinisterBeats (11:39:15 PM): not like ex
@whiteoutgotu (11:39:30 PM): ok cuz i been doin that
for a while
@whiteoutgotu (11:39:37 PM): must be cuz i took x be4
@SinisterBeats (11:39:52 PM): probably
@whiteoutgotu (11:49:06 PM): lo i just tried to leave the
room im in
@whiteoutgotu (11:49:07 PM): lol
@whiteoutgotu (11:49:09 PM): impossible
@SinisterBeats (11:49:23 PM): ya its best just to chill and
lay back
@SinisterBeats (11:49:29 PM): getting up sucks
@whiteoutgotu (11:49:32 PM): yea and its dark
@whiteoutgotu (11:49:33 PM): haha
@SinisterBeats (11:49:50 PM): trippin at all?
@whiteoutgotu (11:49:54 PM): haha yea
@whiteoutgotu (11:49:57 PM): a lil bit
@SinisterBeats (11:50:03 PM): sick
@whiteoutgotu (11:50:04 PM): just shit in the darknesss
@whiteoutgotu (11:50:06 PM): i cant explain
@SinisterBeats (11:50:11 PM): ya i feel ya
@whiteoutgotu (11:50:40 PM): every once in a while it
seems like the lights are fading back in
@whiteoutgotu (11:50:42 PM): but lol
@whiteoutgotu (11:50:44 PM): they are NOT
@whiteoutgotu (11:51:59 PM): ima step outside real
quick,see what thats all about
@SinisterBeats (11:52:05 PM): aright
@whiteoutgotu (11:52:19 PM): lol i def just reached for
my shoes and i couldn't see them
@whiteoutgotu (11:54:41 PM): ok,im brining my
computer outside
@whiteoutgotu (11:55:59 PM): outside is so much better
@SinisterBeats (11:56:13 PM): really?
@whiteoutgotu (11:56:18 PM): yep
@whiteoutgotu (11:56:28 PM): im outside right now
@SinisterBeats (11:56:40 PM): that's awesome
@whiteoutgotu (11:56:40 PM): wireless biaatch
@SinisterBeats (11:56:45 PM): haha
@whiteoutgotu (11:57:03 PM): ok my vision is def
@whiteoutgotu (12:15:41 AM): i think the shits fadin
@SinisterBeats (12:15:55 AM): i doubt it
@whiteoutgotu (12:16:01 AM): haha hopefully
@SinisterBeats (12:16:03 AM): lasts 4-6 hours
@SinisterBeats (12:16:06 AM): but i guess we'll see
@whiteoutgotu (12:16:14 AM): hasn't even been 3
@whiteoutgotu (12:16:52 AM): im thinkin bout goin
back inside,but sittin out here on the deck is so fuckin
@SinisterBeats (12:17:02 AM): ya
@whiteoutgotu (1:31:19 AM): overall a good probly take more if i did it again though
@SinisterBeats (2:02:34 AM): cool
@SinisterBeats (2:02:38 AM): glad you had fun
@whiteoutgotu (2:03:21 AM): yea it was cool,i just got
tired after a while
@SinisterBeats (2:07:31 AM): ya it does leave you pretty
@whiteoutgotu (2:42:59 AM): yea,i'll probly go with 30
gels next time
@whiteoutgotu (2:43:24 AM): although hopefully i can
find that dexalone,so i dont gotta swallow so many
@SinisterBeats (2:45:22 AM): ya

Friday, February 7, 2014

Conspiracy: The Exodus of Tupac Shakur

Tupac Shakur at the Luxor Hotel & Casino
Las Vegas, Nevada, September 7, 1996

[NOTE: This is a re-post (slightly edited) from a Facebook thread I commented on (and since deleted, to preserve anonymity) yesterday. The reason I'm choosing to include it here is because, no matter what theory I'm currently on-board with, no matter if Tupac is alive or dead, this will always be my general stance regarding the events that transpired in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 7, 1996.]

Caption: "2pac's Killers"

I want to start this off by saying that I have the utmost respect for anyone busting their ass, investigating this case, trying to give us all the truth we feel we deserve. As far as I'm concerned, all parties I've observed have done a hell of a job with the information they've been provided (via their own or other's investigation.) The thing is, in my opinion, as someone who's studied/investigated (as an amateur, albeit) this case for the past 17-plus years, this information is nothing but theories and mistruths. As far as I'm concerned, there are little to no facts, in regards to this case. What's been presented through the authorities and the media is a story. An "official" story, because - THERE HAS TO BE ONE. SOMETHING happened, therefore, something must be reported and presented to the public. So, for everything "official" or even quasi-"official", I applaud people like Cathy Scott, Greg Kading and everyone else who's taken time out of their life, even if its their job - this case has been swept under the rug by way too many -  to search for the truth and, unselfishly, shared with us their findings. I have nothing but love and respect for these people. Having said that, this case, this event, is bigger than the people pictured above. Its bigger than the Lakewood Mall incident, the altercation at the MGM Grand or any of that. Its bigger than Biggie. Its bigger than music. Most, if not all, that's been "officially" presented to us is misinformation, misdirection and mistruths, because the true story of what actually happened that night cannot be told. Maybe one day the real truth will come out, but, for now, its privileged/secret information, for one reason or another. One side or the other needs it to remain an unknown. Its a conspiracy. People have been paid off, shut up and killed to protect this secret. All we have are theories. That is, unless you believe everything you see on TV, newspapers and other "official" media outlets. If that's the way you want to think and live, I have no problem with that. Ignorance is bliss. Knowledge is pain. Just know that, of all the people affiliated with this case, Orlando Anderson is the ultimate and most obvious "red herring." He's the fall-guy, scapegoat or whatever you want to call it. The "official" story needs him. The conspiracy needs him. They both need Travon Lane and the Lakewood Mall incident, because that ties in the MGM Grand incident. There needed to be a reason for the assault on Anderson at the MGM Grand to go down. Getting it all on tape was just the icing on the cake. Most people believe what they see on TV. And it worked. Most people (there are a LOT of people in this world - WAY more than there are in the Tupac community) didn't and still don't question the "official" story. They believe the police and they believe the press (who they trust got their information from the same police they trust, who are in charge of the investigation.) In regards to the majority, it went according to plan. They believe the "official" story and we in the Tupac community (the minority, unfortunately) are stuck with nothing but unanswered questions and theories. Don't be fooled. The truth has yet to be told.

Tupac Shakur (passenger) and Suge Knight (driver)
East Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 7, 1996

[Again, I have nothing but respect for the journalists, writers, investigators. law enforcement officials and anyone else genuinely in search of the truth in regards to this case. I hope my strong feelings do not offend anyone or appear to discredit the hard work they've put in.]

Peace, Love, Unity and Respect,